We are bringing a new funding source to the movement for polyamory education and awareness.
Generous donors have put up money to help fund projects that advance public understanding of ethical polyamory and its best practices, and that otherwise benefit the work of the polyamory community. Although our early grants will be limited, we expect that the Foundation will grow to be a significant resource for the polyamory community for many years to come.
At the request of potential donors, our Board of Directors (see tab above) incorporated The Polyamory Foundation in 2021 to fill an increasingly pressing need in the movement: the need for a carefully targeted, neutral and disinterested funding vehicle to administer donations from benefactors wishing to most effectively advance polyamory education, awareness and support. Such donations are expected to include bequests/legacies from people who want to know that their money will be administered by a permanent legal body following set guidelines after the donor is no longer around.
Our Statement of Purpose:
The Polyamory Foundation will provide grants to, and may otherwise aid, projects and/or organizations that advance awareness and understanding of egalitarian, ethical polyamory as a valid and workable relationship choice; or that inform the public of polyamory’s principles and best practices; or that support the needs and interests of the polyamory community (persons engaging in or identifying with egalitarian, ethical polyamory). For purposes of the Foundation, "polyamory" will be defined as multiple intimate loving relationships carried out with the full knowledge and consent of all persons affected.
We believe that issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion should be understood and taken into account as part of this or any broad effort to improve our present society.
The Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) tax-exempt private grantmaking foundation, charitable and educational. Our IRS filings are on our documents page.